2024德国欧洲杯比分 | About Wenchang | Natural resources | Administrative division | Historical evolution |

About Wenchang

Wenchang City is located in the northeast of Hainan Province, facing the sea in the east, south and north. The total land area is 2488 square kilometers, the sea area is 5245 square kilometers, the coastline is 289.82 kilometers, and there are 17 towns and 2 farms with a total population of about 600,000.Wenchang has established Zibei County since&...

Natural resources

   [Mineral Resources] There are more than ten kinds of minerals in Wenchang, including iron, tungsten, titanium, chromium, lead, aluminum, cobalt, coal, zircon sand, gemstone, crystal, quartz sand, kaolin, etc. There are dozens of small and medium-sized ore bodies with a total reserves of about 41 million tons (data from the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources in 1959). As of the end of 2015, the main minerals being mined are titanium ore (located in the coastal zone of Puqian, Jinshan, Fengpo, and Wengtian) and quartz sand (located in the coastal zone of Longma and Longlou). According to the data of the geology and mining dep...

Administrative division

  The city has a total land area of 2488 square kilometers and has 17 towns under its jurisdiction. They are Wencheng Town, Chongxing Town, Penglai Town, Huiwen Town, Donglu Town, Tanniu Town, Dongge Town, Wenjiao Town, Dongjiao Town, Longlou Town, Changsa Town, Wengtian Town, Baoluo Town, Fengpo Town, Jinshan Town, Puqian Town, Gongpo Town. There are also 2 farms, Triangle Farm and Overseas Chinese Farm.According to a sample survey of population changes, the city ’s permanent population was 575,200 at the end of 2019, an increase of 0.63 million over the previous year. Among them, the urban permanent population is 301,100, accountin...

Historical evolution

Wenchang City has a long history. It has a history of more than 2,100 years since 110 BC, the year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It was called Zibei County in ancient times, and it changed its name three times thereafter. It was changed to Wenchang County in 627 AD, meaning [stop arms preparations, promote culture and education]. In&e...
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